Chunshan Song is the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Wei Lun Professor of Chemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shatin, NT). He is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Fuel Science and Chemical Engineering, the former Director of EMS Energy Institute and former Associate Director of Institutes of Energy and the Environment at the Pennsylvania State University where he was the founding Director of the University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research (UCFER) consisting of 15 major US research universities funded by US Department of Energy-National Energy Technology Lab. He received his BSc in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China, MSc and PhD in Applied Chemistry from Osaka University, Japan. His research focuses on catalysis and chemistry of energy and fuels including CO2 capture and utilization, energy conversion, hydrocarbon processing, shape-selective catalysis, synthesis of nano-porous materials for adsorptive and catalytic applications. He has published over 500 referred journal articles, 16 edited books, 33 book chapters and has invented 8 patents (with H-index 106 and total cites of 48,900 in Google Scholar, May 2024). He has been named on the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University on the career-long list and on the single-year list, and the Top 50 Most Cited Scientists in the sub-field of Energy research worldwide.His creative research contributions have been recognized by many awards and honors such as George A. Olah Award and Henry H. Storch Award from the American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Fellow, Distinguished Fulbright Scholar Award (US-UK), Chang Jiang Scholar Award from MOE China, Outstanding Achievement Award from the Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS), ACS Energy & Fuels Division Distinguished Researcher Award, Herman Pines Award from Catalysis Club of Chicago and Catalysis Club of Philadelphia Award. Within Penn State, he has received the Faculty Scholar Medal, Distinguished University Professor, Wilson Award for Excellence in Research, Faculty Mentoring Award, and Materials Science and Engineering Service Award. He also served on the advisory board for US DOE EFRC and US NSF ERC and several State Key Labs in China as well as an advisor for industrial organizations including BP, ExxonMobil and Saudi Aramco. He has been on advisory board for 15 research journals in energy and fuels, catalysis, and chemical science and engineering.